These courses in ENG are no longer available
Learn and experience how to build up your heart resonance manifestation, psyche connections, channeling and cosmic christ diamond light body to shift your reality perceptions and timeline.
Heart Resonance/Mind/Consciousness connection & power
Level 1 - Heart Resonance 5D Manifestation
A 2 Day course with training and transmissions
Learn and practice how the power of your heart has the ability to shift your reality into harmony, individually and collectively.
Learn how to easily explain and validate with science and medical research the power of Heart Resonance and Unconditional Love energy to anyone.
An essential entry into Ascension Alchemy Academy.
For beginners and advanced committed souls
- Practice 5D Ascension Manifestation, Heart Resonance (a fundamental technique for your spiritual growth and shifting your reality into harmony)
- Awaken the power of your heart
- Discover and understand the latest Science Studies on Quantum Physics and the bridge into spirituality
- Amplify your energy LightBody/MerKaBa and spiritual connections
- Practice your zero point, self-mastery of the present moment.
- Channeling 5D Unconditional Love into the Mother Earth
- Learn how to shift your reality timelines
- Assist Mother Earth and the Collective Consciousness of all humanity into Ascension
Are you ready to know how to shift your reality timeline into Harmony & Unity?
Find out the next courses
- We will go into a powerful realization journey of the Heart, Mind and Consciousness power to co-create and manifestation your highest version of reality.
- Exploring more about Densities and Dimensions, Time-space continuum, Multiverses and Parallel realities.
- Visiting the mind-blowing understandings of Quantum Physics that shows how Consciousness affects the fabric of reality.
- Going beyond the Law of Attraction into 5D Manifestation and Ascension.
- Learn/practice the Heart Resonance and 5D Ascension energy practice and meditation.
- Receiving attunment into Higher Frequency with HigherGuides and ArchAngels.
- Learn the essential Morning practices for Ascension and Manifestation.
AED 1,300 - Early Bird
AED 1,550 - Regular Price
PACKAGE LEVEL 1 & 2: AED 2,400 (instead of AED 3,110)
Re-attending student benefit from 60% discount: AED655
Price is Inclusive of:
* 1 FREE Monday transmission before the course (worth AED 120)
* At completion of the course you will benefit from the student prices & discount in all of our activities.
* Course materials
* Ascension Platforms materials library
* The recordings of the Transmission/meditation during the training.
* Healthy refreshment
* Email with all the details will be sent after your registration for your self preparation.
Level 2 - Sacred Geometry, 3rd Eye Activation & Higher Gates
A 2 Day course with training and transmissions
IF YOU HAVEN'T JOINED THE LEVEL 1 AND FEEL A STRONG CALLING TO ATTEND LEVEL 2 Connect directly with YogiGeorge for prerequisite self-reparation.
- Realize the power of Sacred Geometry and how to use it to restructure your energetic field, chakras and 3rdEye system.
- Explore is depth your 3rdEye system
- Grow your Psychic network
- Dive further into Dimensions/Densities
- Understand the HigherSelf, HigherMind and Persona.
- Awaken your Higher gates and your connection to HigherRealm.
- Remember the Metatron Ascension Cube and your Diamond LightBody with transmission and practice.
- Discover and experience the power of Infinity & DiamondCode of Unity, essential activation of Seed of Unity, Cosmic Christ Heart - Diamond LightBody.
- 5D Energy Practice and Transmissions, for [be]coming more of your divine essence and expression into your life
Find out the next courses
AED 1,300 - Early Bird
AED 1,550 - Regular Price
PACKAGE LEVEL 1 & 2: AED 2,400 (instead of AED 3,110)
Re-attending student benefit from 60% discount: AED655
Price is Inclusive of:
* Course materials
* Ascension Platforms materials library
* The recordings of the Transmission/meditation during the training.
* Healthy refreshment
* Email with all the details will be sent after your registration for your self preparation.
Level 3 - Cosmic Christ Diamond Light Body
A 2 Day course with training, attunment and transmissions or 3 Days retreat
Prerequisite Level 1 & 2
- 13 Gates of Cosmic Consciousness
- Galactic Consciousness
- Council of Light and Higher Realm Alliance
- Cosmic Heart
- Cosmic Diamond Light Code
- Cosmic Christ Diamond Light Body
- Cosmic Christ Unity Consciousness
Find out the next course or retreat
AED 1,300 - Early Bird
AED 1,550 - Regular Price
PACKAGE LEVEL 1,2 & 3: AED 3,300 (instead of AED 4,650)
Re-attending student benefit from 60% discount: AED655
Price is Inclusive of:.
* Course materials
* Ascension Platforms materials library
* The recordings of the Transmission/meditation during the training.
* Healthy refreshment
* Email with all the details for your self preparation will be sent after your registration.