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Part of the ULOVE project we are introducing essential oils in our shop. Would you like to discover more of their potential and all what they can be used for?


This organic brand is providing not only high quality products and unique blends but also quantity of materials, support and DIY guides.


Why do you need essential oils for in your life?
- to replace toxic chemicals products in your home
- to create simple beauty care
- to discover and implement remedies for healing

- to shift the mood and energy in your home and office space,

- to flavor up your food

- to alternate with diffuser, inhalation, direct application or for dietary. (*read your oil specificity)

Watch the video of introduction




Do you want;

- to order your first Premium Starter kit? 
- to buy one or few essential oils?
- to order very special and unique essence?


For purchase and your first order go here


For assistance, advice and guidance contact us

or visit Young Living website in using our Distributor ID #19479669

Share the love and use this Young Living Reference to receive benefits too!


If you wish to engage further and become a distributor to inspire many more let us know, we have a dedicated team in Dubai that will help and answer your questions.

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In this video, you can see now how easy it is to start living a chemical-free lifestyle and support your health using the power of essential oils.  


If you are serious about your health and wellbeing we would love to have you join my Young Living family!


Below is a link where you can register:


You have two options to register;

1. Retail  (purchase single oils/products at a higher cost)

2. Member / Wholesale 


The best option is to sign up as a Member as you will get 24% Off all products forever!! 


To start as a Member you have to start with a Starter Kit, the best option is the Premium kit which costs USD $165 and you get 12 essential oils plus a diffuser! 


The Premium Starter Kit is like the "first-aid" essential oil kit and all you need to truly start to feel the power of these amazing gifts from nature. 


Here are the oils you receive in the premium kit:








-Citrus Fresh  


-Stress Away


-Peace & Calming 


Once registered if you would like to be part of our Young Living community and team where we share tips and recipes, we will add you on the Facebook group.


If you have any questions regarding Young Living or if you need help signing up please feel free to get in touch!


Introduction to Essential Oils uses with Demo

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